Program List in C →

Start with Basic Programs

  • Hello world!
  • Taking Input from User
  • Find ASCII Value of Character
  • Using gets() function
  • If-Else
  • Switch Case
  • Checking for Vowel
  • Reversing Case of Character
  • Swapping Two Numbers
  • Largest and Smallest using Global Declaration


  • Basic for Loop
  • Basic while Loop
  • Basic do-while Loop
  • Nested for Loops
  • Program to find Factorial of number
  • Fibonacci Series Program
  • Palindrome Program
  • Program to find Sum of Digits
  • Program to reverse a String

Number Crunching

  • Program to find Average of n Numbers
  • Armstrong Number
  • Checking input number for Odd or Even
  • Print Factors of a Number
  • Find sum of n Numbers
  • Print first n Prime Numbers
  • Find Largest among n Numbers
  • Exponential without pow()
  • Find whether number is int or float
  • Print Multiplication Table of input Number

Concept of Arrays

  • Reverse an Array
  • Insert Element to Array
  • Delete Element from Array
  • Largest and Smallest Element in Array
  • Sum of N Numbers using Arrays
  • Sort Array Elements
  • Remove Duplicate Elements
  • Sparse Matrix
  • Square Matrix
  • Determinant of 2x2 matrix
  • Normal and Trace of Square Matrix
  • Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
  • Matrix Mulitplication


  • Simple Program
  • Memory Management
  • Array of Pointers
  • Pointer Increment and Decrement
  • Pointer Comparison
  • Pointer to a Pointer
  • Concatenate Strings using Pointer
  • Reverse a String using Pointer
  • Swapping Two Numbers
  • Pointer to a Function
  • Null Pointer

Concept of Recursion

  • Adding Two Numbers
  • Factorial
  • Fibonacci Series
  • Sum of First N Numbers
  • Sum of Digits
  • Palindrome
  • Power of N
  • Largest Array Element
  • Prime or Composite
  • LCM of Two Numbers
  • GCD of Two Numbers
  • Reverse a String